Keith Wilson Sand Paintings


Unique Custom Artwork

Unique, authentic and personalised custom artwork could be the very gift you are looking for to celebrate a loved one’s special occasion. Meaningful gifts that celebrate time spent together can create a reminder of wonderful memories. Perhaps you have a photo of a special place that could be turned into a one-off, handmade Australian gift. Photos can be emailed to assess their suitability for transformation into an original sand painting.

custom artwork process

Perhaps your business has a historic premises or there is a building that is a unique part of your business history. Or perhaps there’s a location that is significant to your business. Why not have a commissioned artwork created for your office space as a reminder of your business history and growth.

Keith enjoys creating sand paintings of historic buildings from Australian history, tallships and sailing boats and loves the challenge of a custom artwork to create that truly unique and personalised sand painting.

sand pictures
bespoke artwork
custom artwork
office wall art
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